Bayona Truck&Trailer Brand Kit And Logos

Bayona Truck&Trailer Brand Kit And Logos

Dr. Bayona Trailer & Chassis specialists South Florida tool supply, Containers, Truck Trailers, Truck Equipment & Parts, Trailer Equipment.
Rank #8775421

Square Logo

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 212 x 212
File Size: 49.42 KB
Hex Color Palette: #3F3B3C#ECA683#BAB8B9
RGB Color Palette: (63, 59, 60)(236, 166, 131)(186, 184, 185)

Open Graph Image (OG Image) Thumbnail

Image Format: JPEG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 1500 x 1500
File Size: 156.77 KB
Hex Color Palette: #D4D4D4#DCDCDC#DC5C04
RGB Color Palette: (212, 212, 212)(220, 220, 220)(220, 92, 4)

Brand Logo

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 279 x 117
File Size: 9.67 KB
Hex Color Palette: #241B14#ECA13E#908F8F
RGB Color Palette: (36, 27, 20)(236, 161, 62)(144, 143, 143)

Brand Symbol

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 383 x 394
File Size: 70.85 KB
Hex Color Palette: #0F0E0D#D1BFA0#7C7C7C
RGB Color Palette: (15, 14, 13)(209, 191, 160)(124, 124, 124)

Color Palette

Hex Color Palette: #3F3B3C#ECA683#BAB8B9#D4D4D4#DCDCDC
RGB Color Palette: (63, 59, 60)(236, 166, 131)(186, 184, 185)(212, 212, 212)(220, 220, 220)