Bootstrap Creative Brand Kit And Logos

Bootstrap Creative Brand Kit And Logos

B2B website design and HubSpot inbound marketing consultant in Metro Detroit. Learn how I can help your business growth strategy.
Rank #835410

Square Logo

Image Format: JPEG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 278 x 278
File Size: 7.83 KB
Hex Color Palette: #343D3F#1A7FDF#818888
RGB Color Palette: (52, 61, 63)(26, 127, 223)(129, 136, 136)

Open Graph Image (OG Image) Thumbnail

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 1024 x 846
File Size: 885.23 KB
Hex Color Palette: #BFB4BF#69403C#3978D9
RGB Color Palette: (191, 180, 191)(105, 64, 60)(57, 120, 217)

Brand Logo

Image Format: SVG
File Size: 15.34 KB

Brand Symbol

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 180 x 180
File Size: 5.70 KB
Hex Color Palette: #047CEC#CAE3FB#54A4F4
RGB Color Palette: (4, 124, 236)(202, 227, 251)(84, 164, 244)

Color Palette

Hex Color Palette: #343D3F#1A7FDF#818888#BFB4BF#69403C
RGB Color Palette: (52, 61, 63)(26, 127, 223)(129, 136, 136)(191, 180, 191)(105, 64, 60)