Dont Pay Host Brand Kit And Logos

Dont Pay Host Brand Kit And Logos

Free Web Hosting with Unlimited Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth, and Unlimited Websites from Dont Pay Host. With PHP MySQL FTP and no forced ads on your site.
Rank #6854721

Open Graph Image (OG Image) Thumbnail

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 1200 x 630
File Size: 96.65 KB
Hex Color Palette: #F2EFEF#0C4BB3#5C5C5C
RGB Color Palette: (242, 239, 239)(12, 75, 179)(92, 92, 92)

Brand Logo

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 170 x 50
File Size: 4.05 KB
Hex Color Palette: #40B8EC#FC5C0C#5490F0
RGB Color Palette: (64, 184, 236)(252, 92, 12)(84, 144, 240)

Brand Symbol

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 16 x 16
File Size: 330 bytes
Hex Color Palette: #FC5C0C#FCB08A#FCDACC
RGB Color Palette: (252, 92, 12)(252, 176, 138)(252, 218, 204)

Color Palette

Hex Color Palette: #FC5C0C#F2EFEF#0C4BB3#5C5C5C#40B8EC
RGB Color Palette: (252, 92, 12)(242, 239, 239)(12, 75, 179)(92, 92, 92)(64, 184, 236)