Mostyle Brand Kit And Logos

時尚科技為大中華區之專業電子零件通路商,擁有堅強之研發團隊,提供客戶一連串完整的解決方案及技術支援,加速客戶產品上市的時間,在車用電子、多媒體撥放器、行動通訊等相關產品上都有您想要的解決方案。 时尚科技为大中华区之专业电子零件通路商,拥有坚强之研发团队,提供客户一连串完整的解决方案及技术支持,加速客户产品上市的时间,在车用电子、多媒体拨放器、行动通讯等相关产品上都有您想要的解决方案。 Mostyle Corporation was established in 1992. Since the very beginning, to support best quality products, offer professional services, and keep the promises to customers is its assurance. It recognizes need of customers and change of the market, and responds the whole message to suppliers.
Rank #4843979