Brand Kit And Logos

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The final version of The Blind Side of Love is finally (FINALLY!) complete, and (mostly) edited. While the official publication date remains TBD, it should be out in 2023. If you’d like to read it before then, both its raw draft and its edited (but unpolished) draft are available on my Patreon, along
Rank #9008989

Brand Symbol

Image Format: JPEG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 100 x 100
File Size: 1.48 KB
Hex Color Palette: #F3F3F4#6794C1#B7D5EC
RGB Color Palette: (243, 243, 244)(103, 148, 193)(183, 213, 236)

Color Palette

Hex Color Palette: #F3F3F4#6794C1#B7D5EC
RGB Color Palette: (243, 243, 244)(103, 148, 193)(183, 213, 236)