The Marketing Generator Brand Kit And Logos

The Marketing Generator Brand Kit And Logos

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Open Graph Image (OG Image) Thumbnail

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 120 x 120
File Size: 26.72 KB
Hex Color Palette: #F1D7C4#302A23#CC8874
RGB Color Palette: (241, 215, 196)(48, 42, 35)(204, 136, 116)

Brand Logo

Image Format: PNG
Image Dimensions (Width x Height): 300 x 200
File Size: 32.24 KB
Hex Color Palette: #05969B#CF7A64#124442
RGB Color Palette: (5, 150, 155)(207, 122, 100)(18, 68, 66)

Color Palette

Hex Color Palette: #F1D7C4#302A23#CC8874#05969B#CF7A64
RGB Color Palette: (241, 215, 196)(48, 42, 35)(204, 136, 116)(5, 150, 155)(207, 122, 100)